Other News


Raptors Land Basketball Star Rudy Gay In Blockbuster Trade

On Wednesday, the general manager of the Toronto Raptors basketball team took care of some unfinished business.

Bryan Colangelo made a huge trade, to get superstar player Rudy Gay.

It all started back in 2006. At that time, Colangelo held the “number-one overall draft pick.” That meant he could choose any eligible player and add them to his team.

He travelled around the world, looking for the perfect person to add to the Raptors.

News Politics

Rob Ford Wins His Legal Case, Remains As Toronto’s Mayor

Rob Ford has won his appeal and will remain as Toronto’s mayor.

Last November, Ford was removed from office – in other words, told by a judge that he could no longer be mayor.

The judge said Ford broke a “conflict of interest” law after he voted on an issue that he, himself was involved in. The judge said Ford must step down as mayor.

However, Ford appealed the judge’s decision. That means he asked the court to look over the case and reverse the decision.

Three judges from the Ontario Divisional Court did just that. They ruled that Ford never broke the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Kids News

More Canadian Kids Taking French Immersion

More Canadian students are signing up for French immersion, according to a report by Statistics Canada.

Even though the number of students in Canada is going down, the number of students taking French immersion has gone up by 12 per cent in the last five years. That information is based on the 2011 census.

The trend is particularly strong out west. Over the past 12 years, the number of students in British Columbia and Alberta taking French immersion has risen steadily. The number in Saskatchewan and Ontario are also climbing.

French immersion is when a student whose first language is not French, studies in French.


Day In The Life Of Canada’s PM

Want to know what Canada’s prime minister did yesterday?

Just read his Twitter feed.

Harper tweeted a picture of his cat, Stanley, sitting on a chair beside him while the prime minister ate his breakfast.

He tweeted a time-lapsed video of his drive to work; viewers could see the Canadian flag flying on the hood of his car and watch the PM leave his limo with a briefcase full of work.

News Politics

Kathleen Wynne Ontario’s Next Premier

Ontario’s next premier is Kathleen Wynne.

She won the leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party.

Since the Liberals are in power in the province, she will automatically become the premier as well.

Wynne’s closest competitor for the job was Sandra Pupatello.

The Liberals held a “leadership convention” to choose a new leader after Dalton McGuinty stepped down as leader and Ontario premier last October.

The convention was held on the weekend; Wynne was voted in on Saturday.

Liberal party members voted in Toronto, in three votes or “ballots.” Wynne won in the third ballot with 1,150 votes over Pupatello, who had 866 votes.