A team of scientists working in Oxfordshire, England, has uncovered a trail of dinosaur footprints from the Middle Jurassic Period, about 166 million years ago. They found so many tracks in one place, they have nicknamed it the “dinosaur highway.” […]
Top Plastic Polluters Named
Four companies have been identified as the top plastics polluters, according to a new study.
Girl’s Fossil Find Helps to Identify New Prehistoric Species
The fossil Ruby Reynolds found when she was 11 has led to the discovery of a new prehistoric ocean reptile species.
OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Samples Studied by NASA
Dust and rock samples from a distant asteroid (via the OSIRIS-REx mission last September) are being studied by scientists at NASA.
Crew chosen for Artemis II space mission
The crew for Artemis II includes Canadian Jeremy Hansen, who will be the first Canadian to orbit the moon and witness the “Earthrise” first-hand.
Ancient Device for Dealing with Lice
An ancient lice comb features the earliest complete sentence written using the Canaanite alphabet.
Artemis Rocket Launches After Delays
The first rocket of the Artemis space program has launched after many delays.
NASA bumps into an asteroid–on purpose
NASA has bumped into an asteroid to see if they could change its direction.
James Webb Space Telescope gives us a better look at the universe
We can now see more of the universe, thanks to the most powerful telescope ever created.
Science teacher discovers rare fossil
Science teacher Lisa Cormier has found a 300-million-year-old fossil in PEI.