Tag: England


Prince Harry Spends A Night In A Giant Freezer

Britain’s Prince Harry spent a night in a giant freezer, to prepare himself for a race to the South Pole in November.

He will be doing the 15-day trek with a team of wounded British soldiers.

His team will compete against teams from the United States and the Commonwealth.

This week, the 29-year-old prince spent a day and nearly a whole night in the cold chamber, with the occasional 10-minute break.

AP reported that when asked what the worst part of his chilling experience was, the prince said, “Going in.”

Health News

Peanuts Recalled For Not Stating “May Contain Peanuts”

A supermarket in England is taking packages of peanuts out of their stores because their containers do not say they “may contain peanuts.”

Booths is a grocery store chain; they have 29 locations in northern England. They pulled 300 of the packets off their shelves after a health agency issued an allergy alert.

The alert was issued because the food didn’t have a warning telling the customer that it might make people with allergies get sick.

The containers are labelled as “Whole Hearted Roasted Monkey Nuts.”

“Monkey nuts” is a British nickname for peanuts in the shell.

The allergy alert was issued by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), which is in charge of ensuring food safety in the United Kingdom.

News Politics

Britain’s “Iron Lady” Dead At The Age Of 87

Margaret Thatcher was the Prime Minister of England from 1979 to 1990. That was the longest time for any British prime minister since the early 19th century.

Thatcher was Britain’s only female prime minister and she was considered an important leader around the world.

On Monday Thatcher died of a stroke; she was 87 years old.

When she was Prime Minister, Thatcher was considered by most people to be very strong-willed. Her nickname was “The Iron Lady.” Once when her own Conservative party members asked her to tone down her a hard decision, she said to them: ‘The lady’s not for turning.’

On the other hand, Thatcher had a vision for her country and she was loyal to it to the end.

She believed strongly in lowering government spending, letting private companies buy government agencies and letting companies compete with each other without government help.

When a terrorist bomb, meant for her, killed five people, she made a speech that evening telling her own party that the British would never give in to terrorism.

Animals Kids News

Pterosaur Named After Girl Who Discovered It

Like many children, Daisy Morris loves to collect fossils.

Unlike other children, however, Daisy’s hobby has led to a pterosaur being named after her.

A pterosaur is a type of flying reptile closely related to dinosaurs.

The species Daisy discovered is now known as Vectidraco daisymorrisae, or “Dragon from the Isle of Wight.”

Daisy, who lives in England, was five years old in 2008 when she and her mother were taking a walk along the beach. She noticed some black bones—about 40 mm long– sticking out of the mud and she dug them out.

The family took the bones to a fossil expert at Southampton University in England.

Kids News

Malala Yousafzai Attends Her First Day Back At School

Yesterday, Malala went back to school.

For girls in many countries — for instance, Canada or the United States — that statement would not be very startling.

But Malala Yousafzai is a 15-year-old Pakistani girl who was attacked for trying to get an education, and for speaking up for other girls who wanted an education.

She became known around the world as a hero for her courage in fighting for the rights of girls in Pakistan.

In Pakistan, a militant and terrorist group known as the Taliban believes that girls should not be educated. In 2009 they issued a ban that said girls are not allowed to go to school. Last October, when Malala was travelling to school, members of the Taliban attacked and seriously injured her. She was taken to a hospital in Britain, where doctors saved her life.

It has been a long road back to recovery for Malala, but yesterday she went back to school, this time in England.

Her father walked her to her first day at Edgbaston High School for Girls in Birmingham.

She said it was the most important day of her life.

News Science

King Richard III’s Bones Discovered Under A Parking Lot

He was the king in Shakespeare’s play who uttered the famous words, “My kingdom for a horse!”

His name was Richard III, and he ruled as King of England from 1483 to 1485. He died in battle at age 32 at a place called Bosworth Field near Leicester (pronounced like “Lester”), England.

His body was buried by King Henry VII in a monastery (a place where monks live). Later, the monastery was destroyed and no one ever knew what became of Richard III’s bones.


England’s Future Monarch To Be Born In 2013

The third person in line to the throne of England will be born in 2013.

The Royal Family announced this week that Kate Middleton and her husband, Prince William, are going to have a baby.

Prince William is Queen Elizabeth II’s grandson.

Kate, also known as the Duchess of Cambridge, married William in a lavish ceremony in London, England last year.

People around the world watched the royal wedding on TV.


Bank Of Canada’s Loss Is England’s Gain

On Monday, Mark Carney made news when he announced that he was leaving his job as Governor of the Bank of Canada to become the Governor of the Bank of England.

The governor of a country’s central bank watches over the country’s money, and sets interest rates for borrowing or lending money to governments and others.

The governor also has to make sure there is enough cash in government accounts to cover all the programs it runs.

The central bank’s governor sets policies and rules for money matters at the highest level.

Carney told reporters that he took the job with the Bank of England because it will be a challenge.

He meant that he wanted to see if he could do a harder, or different, job than what he is doing now.

England is part of the United Kingdom, which is a member of the European Union.

Right now, the European Union is facing big decisions to make sure Europe’s financial future is strong.

Carney will have to help England to make those decisions.


Canada And UK To Share Office Space

Canada has hundreds of offices around the world in many different countries.

Recently, Canada and the United Kingdom (UK) signed an agreement to share some of their embassies.

The two countries have a “common history and shared values,” Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said in a press release. He said the new arrangement will help Canada save money on office space and resources. It will also allow Canada to have offices in countries where they don’t already have them.

“Canada will be sharing space, as we do with other trusted countries, to get maximum reach at minimal cost to taxpayers,” said Baird.

Baird’s UK counterpart agreed that the two countries share common interests. The most “pressing international issue on our common agenda” is the situation in Syria, said William Hague, the United Kingdom’s Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.


Andy Murray’s Golden Year

Andy Murray is having a good year—a very good year.

All of his career, the 25-year-old tennis player has been plagued by the fact that he has never won a major tennis tournament.

On the weekend, he put that doubt to rest by winning the US Open.

The US Open is one of the big four, “Grand Slam” tennis tournaments.

The others are the Australian Open, the French Open and Wimbledon.

Britain has been waiting 76 years for a male player to win a Grand Slam singles event.

Murray had been waiting all his life.