Other News


Toy Weapons For Girls: Too Violent, Or Too Pretty?

Some toy companies have recently introduced new lines of toy weapons designed especially for girls.

While the toys are a hit with girls, some adults object to them. Some people say the toys encourage violence and aggression among girls. Others say they are too feminine, and promote old-fashioned stereotypes.

Last fall, Nerf introduced its Rebelle line, which includes bows and guns that shoot foam darts or spray water. The weapons have names like the Heartbreaker Bow Blaster and the Pink Crush Blaster gun. They are brightly coloured in mostly pinks and purples.

News Politics

Liberals Likely To Win Quebec Election: Poll

Quebec residents are gearing up for a provincial election on Monday.

The four leading parties that want to form the province’s government are Coalition Avenir Québec, Québec Solidaire, Liberal Party of Quebec, and the ruling party–the Parti Québécois (PQ)–led by Premier Pauline Marois.

The most up-to-date poll conducted by Ipsos Reid for CTV News shows that the Liberals are likely going to win the election.

John Wright, Senior Vice-President of Ipsos Global told Teaching Kids News that, “The election is only days away and while the outcome for the Liberals forming the next government appears likely, we can’t predict if it will be a minority or a majority result and that’s what makes the final days so interesting to watch.”

News Politics

Residential Schools Hearings Wrap Up

A commission that will document one of the darkest periods in Canada’s history is wrapping up and will report on its findings next year.

Since 2010, The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been gathering information from First Nations, Inuit and Metis people who were forced to take part in Canada’s “residential (boarding) schools” program.


Is It Okay To Work For No Money?

Many companies train young people through an “internship.”

An unpaid internship is when someone (usually a student) learns a job by working at a company, but doesn’t get paid. Instead of money, they get training and experience.

Two popular Canadian magazines have been told by the government that they must stop offering unpaid internships.


Malala’s Father Speaks For Girls’ Education

The name Ziauddin Yousafzai may not be familiar to you. But you likely know his famous daughter.

Malala is known all over the world. She became famous in 2012 when she was injured by some people because she spoke out in favour of girls’ education.

Now her father is becoming famous for the same thing. He was in Vancouver last week telling people it is the right of every girl in the world to be able to have an education.


Mystery Unfolding At Western University

There’s a terrific mystery in the library at the University of Western Ontario.

But it’s not a novel. It’s a trail of mysterious notes that have been left in the books in the university’s Weldon Library.

Mike Moffatt is an assistant professor of Business and Economics at Western.

On March 9 he took an economics book off the shelf and was surprised when an envelope fell out of its pages.