Other News

Environment News Science

Scientists Working To Save Arctic Ice Cap

A team of scientists has come up with a plan they say could help rebuild the Arctic ice cap. The ice cap is a huge area of sea ice that covers most of the Arctic Ocean all year round.
Usually, the sea ice gets thicker and spreads further each winter, but this hasn’t happened for the past few years.
Last month, the ice cap had shrunk to its smallest size since scientists began keeping records of it 38 years ago. The weather in the Arctic has been unusually warm this winter. Some days, temperatures have been 20 degrees Celsius higher than is normal for this time of year. This month, the temperature was above 0°C at least one day.

News Science

NASA Discovery: 7 Earth-Sized Planets

Scientists from NASA announced on February 22 that they have discovered seven planets orbiting a nearby star. The planets are all about the same size as Earth, and three of them are in what scientists call the “habitable zone.”

(The habitable zone is the area of space around a star where a planet is most likely to have liquid water on its surface. Scientists believe water is necessary for anything to live on a planet.)

News Politics

Scandal In Trump’s White House

Did Donald Trump’s people talk to the Russian government about things they shouldn’t have, before the election?

That question has placed Trump and his government in the middle of a scandal. (Scandal, in this case, means a big problem that may involve wrong-doing.)

When one of Donald Trump’s advisors (National Security Advisor Michael Flynn) was asked if he had talked to the Russian government before the U.S. election, he said no. But that was a lie. He had to resign (quit his job) because of his lie.

In talking to the Russian government, Flynn may have told them some things he shouldn’t have told them.


New England Patriots Win Super Bowl Thriller

It’s fun to think about why we so many of us love sports as much as we do. Is it the action? The drama? The competition? The incredible athletes?

Most likely, everyone’s answer is a little different. However, no matter what brought the millions of viewers worldwide to their TVs, this year’s NFL championship game, The Super Bowl had it all.


Judge Temporarily Halts Trump’s Muslim Ban

A judge has ruled that the Muslim ban which U.S. president Donald Trump tried to put in place, is illegal. He has stopped it, at least for now. The judge said the Muslim ban was worse for the country than any kind of security problems it was designed to prevent. In other words: Trump said the ban will help, but the judge said it would actually hurt the country. So it has been temporarily stopped.

News Politics

Millions Around The World Join Women’s Marches

Millions of people around the world joined protest marches on January 21 to show their support for women’s rights and other causes.

The marches were inspired by the Women’s March, which was held in Washington, D.C., the day after Donald Trump officially became President of the United States. The Women’s March was organized to protest Trump’s policies. Many people believe his policies are a threat to basic rights and freedoms for women and for people of minority religions and races.

News Politics

President Donald Trump

The United States has a new president.
Donald Trump was “sworn in” or “inaugurated” last Friday as the country’s 45th president. That means he was officially given the job, and Barack Obama is no longer the president of the United States.

News Politics

Update On Trump

He hasn’t even officially taken the job yet, but already Trump has been involved in a series of bizarre incidents unlike any other president. Trump will be “inaugurated” (officially given the job) on January 20. Normally, a presidential inauguration is a big celebration with lots of celebrities and high-profile musical acts performing. For instance, when US President Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009, Beyoncé, Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Wonder were among the performers.

Kids News

“Fake News” Is Hard For Kids To Spot

There is a lot of “fake news” on the Internet. A new study shows that many young people in the United States have a hard time telling “real” from “fake” news.
Fake news is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an article that may look just like any other news article–except that it’s not true. Unfortunately, many people can’t tell the difference.