Happy holidays!
Thank you for reading Teaching Kids News and using it in your home or classroom.
During the winter break, please enjoy our archives. There are more than 400 great articles on lots of topics.
Type a key word into our Search box or click on a topic in the “tag cloud” on our home page.
There are lots of articles kids will enjoy in categories like sports, animals, science, space, England, United States, Canada and yes, even politics!
Please also look at our new “In-Class Ideas” section (tab in the upper menu on the home page). There are some terrific ideas for in-class and homeschooling work based on articles from TKN. These are projects that other classes have done successfully with their students. Fun!
Have a great holiday season, and we’ll see you in the new year.
This beautiful, snowy image is by Canadian artist Rocky Green. (Copyright Rocky L. Green.)