On Feb. 4, The New York Knicks basketball team played the New Jersey Nets at Madison Square Gardens in New York City.
The Nets played hard, but they simply couldn’t beat this Knicks team. There was something special about them… and that was Jeremy Lin.
Jeremy Lin turned heads during that game by scoring 25 points and adding seven assists.
Good numbers for any player, but especially for an undrafted player with only a handful of games under his belt.
But this is where the story really gets good.
After his strong game against the Nets, the Knicks let Lin keep playing, and it’s been Lin-sanity ever since!
Lin has scored 20 points in nine of his last ten games, including 38 against the Lakers, a three-pointer within the final seconds to beat Toronto, and 28 points, 14 assists and five steals against last year’s champs, The Dallas Mavericks.
Last night, the Nets met up with the Knicks again at Madison Square Garden for their long-awaited rematch.
This time, despite Jeremy Lin’s 21 points, 9 assists, and 7 rebounds, the Nets were victorious 100 – 92.
By Jonathan Tilly
Writing/Discussion Prompt
Jeremy Lin fans are a creative bunch. They’ve made slogans like: Lin-sanity, Lin-ning (as in winning), Super Lin-tendo (as in Super Nintendo), and Lin-credible. Now it’s your turn. Make up three cheers (or jeers) for Jeremy Lin.
Reading Prompt: Point of View
NBA fans can’t decide whether Jeremy Lin is a terrific basketball player who’s finally getting his chance, or just a lucky guy whose good fortune will end soon. Judging by the style and voice in today’s article, what do you think the author thinks of Jeremy Lin? Use evidence from the article to prove your point.
Identify the point of view presented in a text and suggest some possible alternative perspectives (OME, Reading: 1.9).
Identify the point of view presented in texts, ask questions to identify missing
or possible alternative points of view, and suggest some possible alternative
perspectives (OME, Reading: 1.9).
Identify the point of view presented in texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts; give evidence of any biases they may contain; and suggest other possible perspectives (OME, Reading: 1.9).
Grammar Feature: Subject pronouns vs. Object pronouns
A subject pronoun is a word that tells who or what is doing the action (verb). Subject pronouns include words like: I, he, she, it, we you, they, and who. In the example below, they is the subject pronoun because it tells who couldn’t beat (verb) the Knicks.
“The Nets played hard, but they simply couldn’t beat this Knicks team.”
An object pronoun is a word that receives the action (verb). Object pronouns include words like: me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. In the example below, them is the object pronoun because it tells who was special.
“There was something special about them…”
Replace all the subject and object pronouns in the sentences below to change their meaning.
1. She thinks I know him. ___________________________________
2. They will lose if they keep fouling them. ______________________
3. He likes to chase her and me after school. _____________________
Looking back at today’s activity, what did you notice about the verbs in each sentence when you changed the pronouns?