News, Politics

Canada Makes A New Trade Deal With The EU

Image: Ssolbergj
Image: Ssolbergj

Canada’s latest trade deal means the 28 countries in the European Union will remove most tariffs, or extra costs, that are added to products imported from Canada.

Tariffs are added by countries to make a product that is imported from another country more expensive and therefore less desirable than a similar product that is already available.

The new trade agreement is expected to boost exports of Canadian products such as wheat, beef, cars, chemicals, and forest and lumber products.

Canadians can expect to pay less for many items imported from Europe such as wine, cheese, seafood, and even expensive luxury cars like BMWs and Porsches.

By Jonathan Tilly

Writing/Discussion Prompt
Most people learn to trade when they are young. Whether it’s baseball cards or candies, most people have offered and made trades. When you made your first trade, you likely wondered if you had “won.” But what exactly does it mean to win or lose a trade? And why might it be bad if you were the clear winner of a trade.

Reading Prompt: Demonstrating Understanding
Today’s article uses some challenging terms to communicate important ideas. What does the author do to make sure that readers understand? Does it work? What do you do to make sure your readers understand your writing?

Demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by summarizing important ideas and citing supporting details (OME, Reading: 1.4).

Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex texts by summarizing important ideas and citing a variety
of details that support the main idea (OME, Reading: 1.4).

Grammar Feature: Export vs. Import
The terms “export” and “import” are used in today’s article. Both “import” and “export” are English words that are taken from Latin. “Export” comes from “ex” meaning “out,” and “port” meaning carry, to “carry out.” On the other hand, “import” comes from “im” meaning  “in,” and “port” meaning carry, to “carry in.”

How many words can you think of that begin with either “im” or “ex.” Using the definitions above, do you think they have Latin origins as well?