Tag: Batman

Kids News

Adorable Batkid Cleans Up Gotham City (San Francisco)

The good people of San Francisco, California can sleep a little more soundly.

Last Friday, their city was been made safer by a very special superhero.

Batman and a special Batkid spent the day patrolling the streets and battling crime.

Batkid’s real identity (ssssh, don’t tell anyone!) is five-year-old Miles.

Miles has been winning his own battle, ever since he was just one year old—against a disease called leukemia, which is a form of cancer.

Miles’s leukemia is in “remission,” which means that he is doing very well now. In fact, he started kindergarten this year.


Artist Draws Superheroes Inspired By Girls

Artist Alex Law believes kids know best what a superhero should look like.

So, in a new online project she calls “Little Girls Are Better At Designing Superheroes Than You” she’s taken her inspiration from girls.

“I remember being a young girl myself and being unsatisfied with the female characters available to me,” she told TKN in an email.

“Most female superheroes are designed and written by adult men, and I don’t think adult men know or even care about what girls like.”

So, when she saw some little girls dressed as their favourite superheroes, she started drawing them.

And she turned them into superheroes.


Become Your Favourite Superhero — For $125

Have you ever wondered what you’d look like if you were a superhero? An online store called Firebox.com lets you create a customized superhero—with your face on it.

For about $125, Firebox will create a superhero figurine that looks like you. At least, the head does.

You email Firebox pictures of your face from the front and the side, and the company creates a three-dimensional head that fits onto a superhero figurine body.