Tag: Artist


Artist Draws Superheroes Inspired By Girls

Artist Alex Law believes kids know best what a superhero should look like.

So, in a new online project she calls “Little Girls Are Better At Designing Superheroes Than You” she’s taken her inspiration from girls.

“I remember being a young girl myself and being unsatisfied with the female characters available to me,” she told TKN in an email.

“Most female superheroes are designed and written by adult men, and I don’t think adult men know or even care about what girls like.”

So, when she saw some little girls dressed as their favourite superheroes, she started drawing them.

And she turned them into superheroes.

Arts News

Japanese Mom Builds Adorable Art Around Sleeping Infant

A mom in Japan has found a way to document her daughter’s dreams.

When baby Nuno sleeps, her mom builds a fun scene around her, using everyday objects such as clothing, hangers and vegetables. Then she lovingly photographs the quirky artwork.

Mami Koise, a cartoonist, says the pictures are what she thinks her baby is dreaming about.

She started doing the artwork to send it to her husband, who often worked late at the bar he owns. She wanted him to see his daughter even when he wasn’t around.