Malala Yousafzai has a message for Canadian kids: Don’t wait, to make a difference. Just because you’re young doesn’t mean you can’t be a leader.
Yousafzai is an activist for children’s rights, and particularly the right for girls to get an education.
In this case, “activist” means that she tries to get that message out, no matter how difficult that may be for her.
Scandal In Trump’s White House
That question has placed Trump and his government in the middle of a scandal. (Scandal, in this case, means a big problem that may involve wrong-doing.)
When one of Donald Trump’s advisors (National Security Advisor Michael Flynn) was asked if he had talked to the Russian government before the U.S. election, he said no. But that was a lie. He had to resign (quit his job) because of his lie.
In talking to the Russian government, Flynn may have told them some things he shouldn’t have told them.
Millions Around The World Join Women’s Marches
Millions of people around the world joined protest marches on January 21 to show their support for women’s rights and other causes.
The marches were inspired by the Women’s March, which was held in Washington, D.C., the day after Donald Trump officially became President of the United States. The Women’s March was organized to protest Trump’s policies. Many people believe his policies are a threat to basic rights and freedoms for women and for people of minority religions and races.
President Donald Trump
The United States has a new president.
Donald Trump was “sworn in” or “inaugurated” last Friday as the country’s 45th president. That means he was officially given the job, and Barack Obama is no longer the president of the United States.
Update On Trump
He hasn’t even officially taken the job yet, but already Trump has been involved in a series of bizarre incidents unlike any other president. Trump will be “inaugurated” (officially given the job) on January 20. Normally, a presidential inauguration is a big celebration with lots of celebrities and high-profile musical acts performing. For instance, when US President Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009, Beyoncé, Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Wonder were among the performers.
Iconic Cuban Leader, Fidel Castro dead at 90
Fidel Castro was the most important political figure in Cuba from 1959 to 2006. In those nearly 50 years, Castro first held the position of Prime Minister (1959 – 1976) and later President (1977 – 2006).
However, many people would argue that a more appropriate title for Castro would be dictator. (A dictator is a political leader who holds unlimited power and does not allow opportunities for new governments to form, as in an election).
Countdown To The US Election: What You Need To Know
Americans go to the polls on November 8.
Either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will (unless something very unlikely happens) become President of the United States. That is, arguably, the most powerful job in the world. No political party is more “right or wrong” than another–they are simply groups of people who hold specific beliefs and even then, not everyone who belongs to that party will agree with everything their party supports.)
Clinton, Trump Debate
Recently, the two nominees for President of the United States took part in a debate.
Hillary Clinton is the leader of the Democrats. Donald Trump is the leader of the Republicans. On November 8, Americans will vote in a federal election and one of the two nominees will become President.
In the meantime, each one is working hard to sway Americans to vote for them.
UK Decides To Leave European Union
The people in the UK have voted to leave the European Union (the EU).
The European Union is a group of 28 countries in Europe that have agreed to co-operate—to all become one group, in many ways. For instance, people in European Union countries can travel, live and work easily in any other EU country. And businesses that are in the European Union can send products back and forth more easily. Nineteen of the EU countries all use the same money–the Euro.
On Thursday, June 23 there was a very important vote.
The U.S. Election: What Is Going On?
In the United States, there are two main political parties: The Democrats and the Republicans. Each party picks a leader, and then those leaders go head-to-head in a big election for president.
Donald Trump has emerged as the person who will be the leader of the Republic Party in the U.S. The leader of the Democratic Party hasn’t been decided yet; Hilary Clinton seems most likely to win, although Bernie Sanders still stands a chance of winning; there are others still in the race as well, although they are not as likely to win.
The big election will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016.