Author: Nancy Miller

Breaking News News Politics

Who Was Osama Bin Laden?

Two weeks ago, US President Barack Obama went on television to make an historic announcement. He said that US troops had killed Osama bin Laden, the man responsible for the terrible events on Sept. 11, 2001 (known as 9/11).

On Sept. 11, thousands of Americans and 24 Canadians died in terrorist attacks.

For many Americans and other people around the world, bin Laden’s death gave them a sense that justice had been done. On that day, hundreds of people went to “Ground Zero” in New York, where the World Trade Center towers had been destroyed, and cheered because bin Laden was no more.

bin Laden’s history

Osama Bin Mohammed bin Awad Laden was born in Saudi Arabia in 1957. He was the son of a very rich man and inherited a lot of money from his family.

Breaking News Politics

Problems For The People Of Syria

There is trouble in another country in the Middle East. Since January, people in Syria have been protesting against their president, Bashar al-Assad. They want him to step down. They want democracy and a better life for themselves.

The leader is fighting back. Last Monday al-Assad sent thousands of troops to a city called Daraa, in Syria, to stop the people from protesting. His army set up in the centre of the southern city and placed people with rifles, called snipers, on rooftops to shoot anyone they thought was against the president. al-Assad took this step after some politicians in the area quit their jobs to show they were not happy with the president’s leadership.

Breaking News Politics

Gadhafi Allows Aid But Motives Questionable

Two months ago, the people of Libya protested in the streets to demand that Moammar Gadhafi step down as leader because of his dishonest government and his poor treatment of the people. Instead of leaving, Gadhafi gathered Libyan-government troops and attacked protesters all over the country. Several United Nations countries brought troops and weapons of their own to help the protesters (the “rebels”) and now the fight has become very dangerous for everyone. It is likely to last a long time.

On Monday Gadhafi made a deal with the United Nations to let food and medicine into the Libyan city of Misrata.

News Politics

Libyan Rebels Reject “Roadmap To Peace”

Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has accepted a plan to end the war in his country, but the rebels who want him out of power say they will never accept such a plan.

Last Sunday, the president of South Africa and several other African leaders met with Gadhafi to talk to him about a “ceasefire” which would stop the fighting. They called the plan a “roadmap to peace.” They asked the countries that are helping the rebels to stop their attacks on Gadhafi’s targets in order to give the peace plan a chance to succeed.

News Politics

Portugal Asks For Money To Help Pay Its Debts

Last week, Portugal asked the European Union to help it pay its debts. They did it because they owe so much money – €80-billion, or more than $109-billion Canadian dollars. (€ is the symbol for euros, the money used in many countries in Europe.)

Portugal is the third country in Europe to ask for this kind of help recently. The first country was Greece and the second was Ireland.

All three country’s leaders have suffered for their decisions about their country’s money.

Breaking News News Politics

Egypt’s President Says He’ll Leave In September

The people of Egypt have been protesting against their President, Hosni Mubarak. He has been in power for 30 years, and the people want him out. They say he hasn’t done enough for the country or the people.

Mubarak wants to stay in power. However, because so many people were angry with him, he now says he will not run for president again in September. (September is when an election is supposed to be held.)

Breaking News Politics Primary

Protests in Egypt (Primary Version)

A week ago, many people in Egypt became angry with their president, Hosni Mubarak. They wanted him to leave the country.

They were upset because many of them don’t have enough money for food or clothes.

The people who are mad at Mubarak think that a new president would be better. But President Mubarak doesn’t want to to stop being the president, and that’s why they are having a problem.