Month: June 2011


Saying Good-bye To Oprah (For Now)

Last week, millions of people around the world said farewell to The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Oprah, one of the world’s best-known celebrities, aired the very last episode of her show on May 25.

The Oprah Winfrey Show was on TV every week day for 25 years. That is longer than most talk shows in the United States.

Oprah became famous as the host of The Oprah Winfrey Show. Her show aired in 145 countries, so she isn’t just famous in the U.S. and Canada.

Both celebrities and non-celebrities felt comfortable talking to Oprah, sometimes about emotional or difficult things.

Oprah spoke to ordinary people with interesting stories. She spoke to people who had overcome hard things in life, like accidents or unhappy families.


The Vesta Asteroid… Er, Planet… Er, Object?

When you want to know more about something, you check it out, right? That’s exactly what scientists at NASA are doing.

They want to know more about an object in space they call Vesta. Is it an asteroid? A planet? What exactly is it?

Two months ago, they launched the Dawn spacecraft. Its job is to orbit and observe Vesta.

Vesta is officially listed by NASA as a “minor planet,” which means that it is an object orbiting around the sun.

But Vesta isn’t really a planet at all. It’s simply an object in space.

It has also been called an asteroid, a dwarf planet (a tiny planet), and a protoplanet, which is an object that started the same way as other planets, like Venus and Mercury, but never fully developed.